Student List

1. Add Student

To add a new student, just click the right-top add click button.

2. Search Student

For searching the individual student have to select the class, section, student name or student roll id. By selecting the class and it's section can able to see the particular section's student list.

3. Select Student

In the list, view student's detail information,edit and delete are included in action column.

4. Student Details

By clicking the view option in action column, super admin can enter the student's details information page. Where he can able to see the student's details information in different classification.

5.Sibling Information

Sibling information is also included in this student detail information page.

6.Student Profile

Student information is classified in different section, student profile is one of them. All the personal information are shown in this student profile section.

7.Edit Student

If wants, it's possible to edit the student information by clicking the top-right edit button.

8.Student Fees

All the particular student fees information are shown in this portion.


All the particular student all the document information are shown in this document portion.


All the particular student's timeline information are shown in this timeline portion.

11. Add Timeline

Add timeline option is available in the timeline page.

Last updated