Exam Shedule
1. Add Exam Schedule
By Clicking the right-top button add exam schedule super admin enter the exam setup schedule page.
2. Search Exam Schedule
To search the exam schedule super admin have to select the exam name, class and section. The assigned exam routine is shown in the exam schedule section.
3. Search for Set Exam Schedule
After clicking the add exam schedule button super will enter Exam Schedule create page. In this page, by selecting the exam name, class and section super admin will get the set exam schedule section.
4. Assign Exam Schedule
To assign exam schedule just click the (+) symbol, then super admin will get the create exam routine modal.
5. Assigned exam Schedule
If any exam schedule is assigned then the assigned exam schedule is shown in this list.
6. Create Exam Routine
just select the date and the room number super admin can setup the exam routine for particular subject in particular date and time.
Last updated